With Mutting reach your destination without distractions.

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Features Mutting

Is the ultimate app designed for safe driving and to prevent distractions while driving.

Bluetooth activation

Mutting starts automatically when connects your car's handsfree bluetooth.

NFC activation

Mutting starts automatically when connects with NFC card.

Manual activation

Mutting starts pressing activation button. You can use app button or activation widget.

Status update

The activation of Mutting changes your status from available or busy to driving.

Keeps notifications

While Mutting is active you won’t hear any notifications or calls, without losing any of them.

Share your status

Your contacts know when you are driving or available before contacting you.

Instant reply

Alert your contacts through notifications that you are driving to avoid unnecessary call.

Important calls

After receiving two consecutive calls from the same number it’s considered important and goes directly to your handsfree.

Is the ultimate app designed to prevent distractions while driving.

According to ‘Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT)’, cellphone use produces a 23-fold increased risk of collision. Cellphone use compromise the visual, cognitive and motor abilities of drivers.
Introducing Mutting, the ultimate app designed to prevent distractions while driving.

Reach your destination without distractions.

Mutting mutes all notifications and calls, it cancels vibrations and turns the screen off from the moment you start driving up until you park.

If you get a call, Mutting notifies the caller that you are driving. If they call you again it’s considered urgent and the call will switch to the car’s handsfree.


How does it work?

In this video you can see how it works:

What do I do with the sms code that I receive?

The code is a form of verification that we need to avoid conflicts with repeated phone numbers, misspellings, etc.
With it, you don’t have to do anything, the application automatically recognizes it, you only have to wait a few seconds.

How much is the automatic sms answer?

There are different types of notifications:
1) SMS: It can be enabled or disabled in the settings screen and only people without Mutting receive it. This SMS may incur costs to the sender according to the rates of your operator.
2) Notifications: This message will reach the contacts that have Mutting and is completely free.



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